Governing body

It's my very great pleasure to be chair of governors at the Carlisle and Hampton Hill Federation. I have been a school governor for many years now and whilst nothing ever stands still in the world of education, what I am continually impressed by is the commitment and dedication of school staff that I meet, who go above and beyond every day for the benefit of the children and families within our community. Also impressive is the hard work of volunteer school governors, both here at Carlisle and Hampton Hill, across our borough and beyond. As a board we are committed to working with Zoe and Alan and both their teams, not just to drive school improvement in the individual schools, but to also drive forward the effectiveness and efficiency of the federation.

I am passionate about effective governance and ensuring that as a board we are fulfilling all the duties expected of us as well as supporting both schools to be the very best that they can be. As you will all know, it continues to be very tough for schools in terms of school finances, and there is currently no light at the end of the tunnel, however the board of governors is skilled and committed to working with school staff to ensure continued excellent provision for the children at both schools.

As well as working with the staff at both schools, we also look forward to working with pupils and parents, and together we will work hard to achieve great outcomes for all the children that attend our schools.

Deb Long

Chair of Governors