Our governing body consists of governors and associate members. The governors come from a range of backgrounds, bringing diverse skills and experience to the governing body. Our associate members enrich this with their own specific expertise, which is so valuable to the schools. You can contact the Federation Governors using the following email address: governors@carlisleandhamptonhillfed.richmond.sch.uk

Deb Long: Chair of Governors and local authority nominated governor
I joined the governing board of the Carlisle and Hampton Hill Federation in September 2022. I was previously a governor, chair of governors and co-chair of governors at St Edmund's in Whitton for 12 years until this Summer, and am a governor at St Bernadette's school in Hillingdon.
I work for the Diocese of Westminster supporting governors and schools with admissions, governance, policy and complaints, and am a trainer and consultant in school governance for Achieving for Children, the Diocese of Westminster, London Borough of Hounslow and the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. I am absolutely passionate about school governance and working with schools to help them be the very best that they can be.
In my spare time I run a television graphics company with my husband. We have four children and my youngest is just off to university. I live in Whitton but love escaping to Cornwall whenever I can! You can contact me at: d.long@carlisleandhamptonhillfed.richmond.sch.uk

Zoe Brittain: Federation Headteacher, Carlisle Infant School and Hampton Hill Junior School
I have over 20 years teaching experience and have had the opportunity to teach every year group from nursery to year six. I am passionate about ensuring all our children achieve their potential and go on to make a difference in the world, by the people they become. As headteacher of Carlisle, I work closely with the governing body who have a huge wealth of experience and add support and challenge to our school priorities.

David Wells: Head of School, Carlisle Infant School
I am the Head of School at Carlisle Infant School. I am on the Achievement & Families Committee. I've been teaching for over 15 years, working in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
I love many aspects of teaching and leading in schools, but undoubtedly the greatest pleasure is that every day is different - you are never bored when getting to work alongside young, inquisitive children who love to share their ideas and stories with you.

Marc Lowery: Head of School, Hampton Hill Junior School
We have a very vibrant Carlisle & Hampton Hill Federation Governing Body and it is a privilege to be a part of it.
As Head of School at HHJS, I get to see the successes of this group first hand - how they challenge and support the staff team and how they work to ensure the best possible outcomes for the pupils and families of the HHJS community.
I have been involved in the governing body since my appointment as a staff member and have always been amazed by the expertise, enthusiasm and commitment shown by my fellow governors - it really is quite something - the school is very lucky to have them.

Barbara Clifford: Co-opted community governor
I joined the Governing Body in October 2018 (on a co-opted basis) and am on the Achievement & Families Committee.
I have a geology background and after completing my PhD, I managed various research projects on Ice Age environments before spending several years with Natural England as their Ice Age geologist. After my daughter was born, I went freelance and now work on diverse projects that include geo-publications, outreach, research projects and web design.
I have a daughter at HHJS and my son will (hopefully!) start at Carlisle next year so I have a huge interest in both schools continuing to thrive and improve and value the opportunity to support and work with the Federation. I am the safeguarding governor and you can contact me at: b.clifford@hamptonhill.richmond.sch.uk

Helen Cunningham: Parent governor
I am a Chartered Management Accountant with many years experience in various areas of the public sector.
Having grown up and gone to school in the area, I am so pleased to be able to contribute to the further development of this superb school. I strongly believe in the importance of a quality education system, and for our children to have a wide range of experiences to ensure they develop into strong confident adults. My son is currently in year 6.

Lisa Day: Parent governor
I’m passionate about education and the role this can play in shaping positive futures for our children. The ethos of ‘love learning, love life’ and the idea of early education sparking lifelong curiosity is something I really believe in.
I live locally and have a daughter at Carlisle Infant School.
It's brilliant to be able to support the Carlisle and Hampton Hill Federation in this way and I hope my experience in marketing and communications within the charity and wider education sectors will help me play a positive role in our wonderful school community.

Guy Elliott: Co-opted community governor
I am a Customer Support Centre Manager within the printing industry, with over 27 years experience (in the same company) of finance and customer care. My strengths include, attention to detail, the ability to question and a strong finance and resources background.
I was a governor for 4 years at another primary school in Richmond Borough, where I chaired the Finances & Resources committee and also sat on 2 other committees (Admissions & Curriculum/Achievement). I am currently Chair of the Finance & Premises Committee.
Camilla Harvey Jones: Elected staff governor
I am a Key Stage 1 Teacher at Carlisle Infant School. My passion for promoting equality and inclusion are what led me to a teaching career along with my desire to encourage aspirational goals for children and their families even in the most challenging of times.
I would like to contribute to this wonderful school community through my role as staff governor, to advocate on behalf of the children and my colleagues and to provide an insight into some of the challenges being faced by members of our school community and how me might overcome them together.

Casey Mouton: Co-opted community governor
I joined the Governing Body in January 2022 and am now a co-opted governor on the Finance & Premise committee.
I am a certified Chartered Accountant, having qualified in South Africa. I have over 10 years of experience (where I work currently) for a large Property Developer in Victoria. Before this I worked in the Financial Services Sector at Deloitte in Amsterdam and Barclays Bank in the UK.
My strengths include a strong finance background, being very strategic, analytical and flexible, with a strong attention to detail.
I have two daughters at local schools in Twickenham and have huge interest in our community and its wellbeing, especially that of children. I’m here to ensure that the Federation is held accountable and to add value through my expertise.
Sarah Parker: Co-opted community governor
I joined the Achievement and Families committee in Autumn 2021 and together with leading our Specialist Resource Provision at Hampton Hill Junior School I feel privileged to be part of our school community. I am extremely passionate about inclusion and special educational needs and thrive on supporting our children to be the best they can be.
I am a Mum of two boys, who both attended Carlisle and Hampton Hill Junior School.

Jack Pannett: Co-opted community governor
I joined the Governing Body in September 2022 (on a co-opted basis) and sit on the Achievement and Families Committee.
Alongside becoming a qualified teacher at the University of Brighton, since 2016 I have also been the co-founder and Director of TeamMates, a sports coaching company.
Having lived in the area for 25 years, I had the pleasure of attending both Carlisle and Hampton Hill as a child, as did my 3 siblings. I have strong interests in both inclusion and sport within the education system.
I feel very lucky to be able to give back and support the community that helped me so much as a child. I’m also happy to be following in some family steps, as my Dad was a Governor back in 2012!

James Olsen: Co-opted community governor
I joined the Governing Body in January 2021 and sit on the Pay and Personnel Committee. I have extensive business experience in the healthcare sector and have worked both in the UK and overseas (mainly in Africa). My roles have included sales, business development and change management. I've tried to keep learning both professionally and personally since I left university and now hope to use my experiences to help make a positive difference to the Federation.
I live locally and, when I'm not working or trying to look after my two children, I'm the Youth Chair at Teddington RFC.

Rosalind Morgan: Co-opted community governor
I am currently a deputy head in an inner-city primary school which is part of a wider federation of four schools; I bring 19 years experience in education to the Governing Body. I am from the local area and am passionate about state education.
I have been involved in most areas of school life and currently have responsibilities for Safeguarding, Pastoral needs and Inclusion. Curriculum wise, I currently lead on Handwriting, MFL, Computing and PSHE. I have previously been a staff governor for approximately 8 years.
It is my hope that my child will attend both schools in the federation.
In my role as Governor I hope to be able to contribute to the School and help it to continue providing the best possible education for each child, looking ahead to the challenges and opportunities in the future.

Alka Soni: Co-opted community governor
I am the Head of HR & Compliance at Newland House School in Twickenham and established their HR function when I joined them in November 2015. I am responsible for HR strategy and administration, compliance checks and all matters concerned with terms and conditions of service. I previously worked in central government for 24 years and most recently in Ofsted. As well as taking on a role as Associate Governor on the Pay and Personnel Committee from September 2022, I have also embarked on my Post Graduate Diploma which I hope will lead into getting my MSc in Educational Leadership.

Priya Sriskantharajah: Co-opted community governor
I am a Banker who has worked in the Finance Industry for 15 years.
I have a degree in Management and System from Bayes Business School and a Masters in Banking from London School of Economics.
Associate members
Danielle Fawcett: Associate member
I joined the Governing Body in 2018 as an associate member following my appointment to the role of Federation School Business Manager.
Before I joined the Federation, I had a career in Hospitality Management. I have worked in hotels, events management and more recently worked in Contract Catering for the banking sector. During this time I gained expertise in financial planning, HR and Health & Safety.
I have transferred my skills and experience into my role as Business Manager. Most of my Governing Body contribution is for the Finance & Premises Committee, where I present financial information on a half termly basis.