At Carlisle we are passionate about providing opportunities for the children sing and perform. We know that extensive research has shown the undeniably positive impact singing has on emotional, physical and mental wellbeing. This is the reason why we sing and perform across the school through school shows, weekly singing assemblies, termly dance workshops as well as singing and performing to different classes.
We have recently introduced the Kapow! Music scheme which is a practical, exploratory and child-led approach to musical learning from reception to year two. The learning of music is based on three key principles listening to a wide range of genres and appraising, creating and exploring using a variety of tuned and untuned instruments and singing and performing
Our music curriculum gives children opportunities to listen to and appraise a wide range of music and also to compose, explore and perform. It supports the mastery approach by learning about the same musical concept through different musical activities to enable more secure learning.
In reception children have opportunities to learn a range of songs and explore sounds and instruments to create their own music using a range of resources.
In Year 1 the children learn about pitch and rhythm using a range of tuned and untuned instruments through a variety of genres including rap, latin, classical and blues.
In Year 2 the children focus on learning how to play the glockenspiel using a small selection of notes as well as appraising different styles of music and compositions.

To enrich the curriculum some Year 2 pupils participate in the music festival where they get to perform with other local schools at a theatre.
Our aim is to engage and inspire children to develop a love for music and encourage their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.