School Information

As a busy school community, communication is key and our aim is for the website to be an informative and important first point of contact. Please use the tabs available in this zone to obtain an overview of the school.

In addition to the website, we produce newsletters which are issued every 2-3 weeks. The newsletter is uploaded to the website and sent to parents using Arbor.

Arbor is our Management Information System and where we send out all of our communications. It is also where you can book your breakfast club and Treehouse sessions, pay for trips, see your child's attendance, make a donation to the school and choose your child's meals. We would encourage everyone to support us and use Arbor.

Any parents who are unable to access it should contact the school office.

At Carlisle the school day begins at 8.45am. We therefore expect pupils to arrive at school and be ready to start their learning promptly at 8:45am each morning. The gates will be open from 8:40am. The school day ends at 3.15pm with the excpetion of our Reception classes who finish slightly earlier at 3.05pm.