At Carlisle Infant school we recognise the importance of physical activity and we believe all children should have access to a high quality Physical Education (PE) curriculum. We recognise the benefits of high quality PE provision and school sport can give all pupils.
We follow a PE curriculum called Getset4PE which ensures that all pupils develop the fundamental knowledge, understanding and skills to excel in a wide range of physical activities, by providing a broad and balanced curriculum in line with the National curriculum.

It is our aim that our PE curriculum will contribute to healthy and active lifestyles; improve emotional wellbeing, reduce challenging behaviour, develop key skills such as leadership, confidence, social and team building exercises. We cover a PE topic per half-term and these include; dance, ball skills, invasion games, gymnastics, athletics, net and wall and fielding and striking.
Every lesson ensures that pupils are physically active for sustained periods of time with activities that inspire and engage them.
In addition to this, we enrich our PE curriculum by providing additional opportunities for our pupils including Balance Bikes in Reception, 12 swimming lessons for the year 2 pupils and termly dance workshops for all pupils with performance opportunities as well as coaching from professional athletics. We also encourage the pupils to be active during break times through access to sport equipment and the use of our challenging adventure playground.
In year two we are developing the competitive sports that the children participate in including local tournaments, inter and intra school opportunities and sports day for the whole school. We also provide a number of extra curriculum clubs after school such as football, yoga, tennis, multi sports and dance.