School Meals

School lunches are available free of charge for children aged 4-7 years under the Universal Free School Meals scheme being introduced in September 2014. If your child has any allergies or special dietary requirements, you will need to contact Caterlink, our school meals provider so their dietician can give your child a special menu. Please use the following document and send it to Caterlink directly. Until this is done, your child will not be able to have a school meal.

Allergy and dietary requirements form - Caterlink

Packed lunches may be brought in and should be in a proper container marked with your child’s name. Drinks must be in an unbreakable container – no glass bottles, thermos flasks or pressurised tins are allowed. Carlisle is a health promoting school and packed lunches should not contain fizzy drinks, chocolate or sweets.

In the interests of the welfare of children with nut allergies, you must not include nuts or food containing nuts in your child’s packed lunch.

To contact Caterlink please visit or email them on

Carlisle Infant School Lunch Menu - Autumn 2

Carlisle Infant School Lunch Menu - Spring 2025

Caterlink Primary Welcome Poster 2021

Parent Info Poster 2021

UIFSM Poster