Positive Behaviour Policy
Carlisle and Hampton Hill Federation Anti Bullying Policy
Golden Rules

The Golden Rules and Golden Time underpin our behaviour policy. The Golden Rules are based on key moral values and encourage children to be kind and helpful, honest, gentle, listen well, work hard and look after property. With this set of rules clearly depicted in the classroom and around the school, the children have a strong picture in their mind of what good and respectful behaviour is. Assemblies, stories and Circle Time activities help to reinforce the Golden Rules and there are separate Golden Rules for the playground and Dining Hall.
Golden Time is a whole school (or class) activity session to celebrate keeping the Golden Rules. Without a consequence for their actions, children are not learning about the difference between positive behaviour and keeping to the golden rules, and disruptive or unhelpful behaviour that stops everyone moving forward.
Each class decides on a range of special ‘golden’ activities that could be included in Golden Time. If a child has had difficulty keeping the Golden Rules there is a 5 minute time for reflection where the privilege of joining in a golden time activity is removed. Staff and parents have found the Golden Rules to be extremely effective and the children say they love Golden Time and understand why the Golden Rules are important.