Intent Statement
At HHJS we believe children deserve a Design and Technology curriculum which prepares them for the ever-changing technological world they live in. Children apply practical skills with creative thinking and imagination, to solve relevant, real life problems, considering their own and other's needs. They have opportunities to explore, reflect upon and evaluate past and present design technology. They are encouraged to be inspired by engineers, designers, chefs and architects to become problem solvers in their own right, now and in their future. Wherever possible, we apply the skills and knowledge from other subjects such as mathematics, science and art.
Key Stage Progression Document for D&T
Key Stage Knowledge Grid for D&T
D&T at Home – useful websites for parents Eat Happy is the initiative linked to Tesco and ‘Farm to Fork’. On this page there are many useful recipes and activities associated with food preparation. The activities are fun to do and help children to become motivated in finding out where their food comes from. Free resources for teaching young people aged 3-16 years about where food comes from, cooking and healthy eating. The Teaching ideas website provides many ideas for various design projects that you can complete with your child at home.

Eatwell Plate designed by Y4 children