We are proud of our pupils and are keen to celebrate all their achievements both academic and wider. Please help us to celebrate your child’s achievements by completing a WOW card when your child has had a ‘golden moment’ and encourage them to bring the card into school for our WOW class display.
It can be anything you want to share with us - passing an exam, getting man/woman of the match, showing kindness without prompting, completing homework that they normally need pushing to do, finishing a book they have struggled with, learning an instrument and practising happily, learning a new language, remembering impeccable manners, making an effort to tidy up, helping out at home (without prompting). It can be any ‘golden moment’ that made you proud. Something out of the ordinary for you and your child.
If you could aim to send one in every half-term that would really contribute to our celebration board. If you want to note it also in the home-school diary, for reference, that would be helpful.
Please contact your child's class teacher for a WOW card.