
School Admission Policy


Hampton Hill Junior School is a Community school and admission arrangements are determined in agreement with the local authority. The Admissions Authority for our school is the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames which publishes its entry regulations every year.

Our governing body applies the regulations on admissions fairly and equally to all those who wish to attend this school in accordance with the Local Authority.

Parents can receive a copy of these regulations directly from the LA or by following the links below.

Richmond Borough Admissions Criteria

Key Dates:

Deadline for applications 

Wednesday 15th January 2025

National Offer Day

Wednesday 16th April 2025

Deadline for accepting / declining your offer

Wednesday 30th April 2025



We seek to be an inclusive school, welcoming children from all backgrounds and abilities. All applications will be treated in a sensitive and fair manner.


How parents can apply for their child to be admitted to our school

Our school is a community school, and it determines the admission arrangements in agreement with the Local Authority. The Admissions Authority for our school is therefore the LA which publishes its entry regulations every year.

School admissions - London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

If you live in Richmond Borough you will be expected to apply online by going to or

Admissions Team email:


SEND Admissions  

Admissions of pupils with SEND are considered on the same basis as those without SEND. The School Admissions Code of Practice requires children and young people with SEN to be treated fairly. Admissions authorities:

  • must consider applications from parents who have SEN but do not have an EHC plan on the basis of the school's published criteria as part of normal procedures
  • must not refuse to admit a child who has SEN but does not have an EHC plan because they do nt feel able to cater for those needs
  • must not refuse to admit a child on the grounds that they do not have an EHC plan

The admission arrangments for pupils wihtout an EHCP must not discriminate agasint or disadvantage disabled children or those with special eductional needs and must follow the local authority achool admissions procedures. Please click on the link below for more information

SEND Admission Arrangments Richmond


In-year Admissions Team

If you live in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and your child is currently attending school, contact the In-year Admissions Team via email at and request a callback. 

If you live outside Richmond upon Thames and wish to apply for a place or are moving into the borough and your child is currently attending school, you should contact the in-year admission section of your home council.

Postal address:

The School Admissions Team

School Admissions
Achieving for Children
Guildhall 2
Kingston upon Thames

Personal callers are welcome without prior appointment at the Education, Children's and Cultural Services Directorate reception (Civic Centre).



Secondary Transfer

Applications to London Borough of Richmond upon Thames secondary schools are managed by the local authority. Click on the following links to find out how to apply for a secondary school place for your child.

Guide for admission to Year 7 in a Richmond Secondary School

Summary of admissions arrangements for September 2025

Secondary School Admissions

Important Dates

Application Deadline - Thursday 31st October 2024

National Offer Day - Monday 3rd March 2025


If you live outside the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames but would like your child to attend a Richmond secondary school you will need to contact your home authority to apply for a place.

Secondary School Appeals

The link for Richmond's appeals is:

Secondary School Appeals


Admission appeals

If parents wish to appeal against a decision to refuse entry, they can do so by applying to the LA. An independent panel considers all such appeals, and its decision is binding for all parties concerned. The tables in the following link contain key dates in the schools admissions appeal process. More information can be found via the following link: Richmond Borough Appeals


The Standard Number

The ‘standard number’ is the number of children the LA considers the school can accommodate. The standard number for our school is 360. We keep this number under review, and the governors will apply to change the number if circumstances change.


Monitoring and Review

This policy will be monitored by the governing body and reviewed every two years, or earlier in the light of any changed circumstances, either in our school or in the local area. The policy will always take due note of guidance provided by the local Admissions Forum.


Determined Admission Arrangements 2006/7 (LBRUT)

If you have any questions on the admissions procedure please contact the school office.