Creating a sustainable school is a key part of what we aim to do here at HHJS.
We believe that the young people in our care are the leaders and decision makers of the future and, as such, their generation will play a pivotal role in determining the future of our planet and its resources. We believe that we, as a school, have a major part to play in helping them to know about and understand the issues so that they can make informed decisions when they are older.

At our school we have done so much to promote sustainability. We have solar thermal panels, photovoltaic panels, and we have a wind turbine! We have a superb outdoor classroom which includes a wonderful pond, growing areas and our well-loved chickens! We also sell produce to fund future developments.
We recycle everything you can imagine and work closely with other groups and organisations who share our ambitions.
We provide the children with so many opportunities to participate in an incredibly wide range of extracurricular activities which we hope will become lifelong interests and passions for them.