Intent Statement
At HHJS we are committed to fostering an enthusiasm for English. We aim for all of our pupils to be capable readers, writers, spellers and speakers, who can transfer their English skills to other subjects and who are prepared for the next steps in their learning. We encourage them as readers, who select texts for purpose and pleasure. We want books and reading to be at the heart of our English curriculum and have chosen good quality texts on which our writing is based. We encourage our pupils to be eloquent and articulate speakers and writers, who we support to use a wide and purposeful vocabulary.
We endeavour to promote our love for reading to our students through our library, reading weeks, visiting book fairs, book swaps, visits to local bookshops, celebrating World Book Day, reading challenges, author visits, bi-annual Reading Adventure days, whole-school displays, recommended reads, attending Barnes Literature Festival each year and the SPARK book awards.
Reading at HHJS 2023-24
Key stage Progression document for reading