Intent Statement
At HHJS, we are committed to fostering an enthusiasm for Religious Education (R.E.). We aim to provide all children with an understanding and respect for a diversity of beliefs and cultures, whilst having opportunities to make links with the wider world. Teaching inspires children to make connections when learning about similarities and differences between aspects of religion and belief. Discussion through thought-provoking questions is encouraged to promote understanding and cohesion of others’ points of view. Furthermore, pupils will be able to confidently communicate their ideas, when reflecting on their own beliefs and values.
Withdrawing your child from RE lessons
Parents / carers can choose to withdraw their child from some or all RE lessons. Parents / carers have the right to withdraw their child from any eductaional visit that is part of the RE curriculum. Parent / carers can only withdraw their child from RE and not other curriculum areas. For example, children cannot be withdrawn from a study of religious art in an art lesson. If parents / carers wish to withdraw thier child from receibing the RE curriculm, they should contact the Head of School to dicsuss this further. Parents / carers should also inform the school if they no longer wish to have their child withdrawn from RE lessons and visits.
Key stage progression document for RE