It is our school guidance that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in school-organised events outside normal school hours. We ask children to take pride in their personal appearance. Children are at all times ambassadors for the school, and never more so than when larger groups are on school trips. The children should wear their uniform with pride, as it identifies them as pupils of Carlisle Infants School. We do monitor school uniforms for affordability. Good quality second-hand uniform is available to all parents and other support is also available to families dependent on need.
All children have equal access to wearing school uniform regardless of their culture, race, religion, gender, disability or ability. We ensure that our expectations are in line with other policies and allow for individual circumstances. Carlisle Infant School is committed to creating a positive climate that will enable everyone to work free from racial intimidation and harassment and to achieve their full potential.
Federation Uniform Guidance
Our new federation uniform will be in place from September and available from School Days in Whitton : Federation Uniform
We are looking forward to seeing all children proudly wearing this new federation uniform, but appreciate that this will take a period of time to settle in, with children still wearing their current CIS or HHJS uniform in September. Initially, we are expecting all reception and Y3 children to start the New Year in the new school uniform. We do have current second-hand uniform at both schools and this will be available through the summer term to support families. If any family needs support with this change to a new uniform, we would ask them to contact us through the school office. All children must wear: (Carlisle phasing over to Federated Uniform)
Black school shoes (not trainers, heels, platforms or open-toed shoes)
Leggings / cycling shorts and ‘Bermuda’ style shorts are not part of the uniform.
PE/Games Kit -
All clothing should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. The school cannot accept responsibility for any lost items.
Jewellery/ Hair/ appropriateness
For health & safety reasons, no jewellery is allowed except stud earrings which will be taped up for PE/Games.
Long hair has to be tied back. No decorative hair accessories to be worn.
Hair should be a natural colour and style.
Children must not wear make-up or nail polish.
School Uniform Supplier

School Days and Just Dancing at 94 High Street, Whitton, TW2 7LN Tel: 020 8898 4881 or visit their website. https://schooldaysllp.co.uk/
During the summer months they will be operating an appointment system where you can book using the link below.
School Uniform Guidance 2024 (002)