'Love Learning, Love Life'

Welcome to Hampton Hill Junior School. We are delighted that you have taken the time to visit our site and find out more about us.
We are a large and over-subscribed three form entry junior school with 360 pupils on roll. We are federated with Carlisle Infant School and work extremely well with them, sharing high aspirations and a consistency in approach which supports and promotes the clear progression of all pupils, as they move through KS1 and KS2. We also have very positive working relationships with other partner KS1 and KS3 schools and are committed to ensuring a successful transition for all pupils.
We believe that children learn best when they can be fully involved in their own learning and we are committed to providing them with as wide a range of enriching and engaging experiences as possible. We are fortunate to be situated close to a wide range of stimulating outdoor environments, which we regularly make use of, to enhance the experiences the children have at HHJS.
We are a school where children are encouraged to participate in and develop their academic and creative interests and talents and we are proud of the range of external validations we hold, in regard to key areas such as art, music, curriculum, international links and health and wellbeing.
We have a central belief that pupil voice and leadership are key qualities that are beneficial to all and, as such, we look to encourage and support the development of these whenever possible.
We set high expectations for all of our pupils and work hard together to ensure that every child fulfils his or her potential. We believe in a whole team approach to supporting the children and are very proud of the commitment from our staff to this. We believe in providing the children with a curriculum which is progressive, vibrant and exciting and have clear monitoring and assessment procedures in place to support their access to this, alongside ensuring their academic progress and social and emotional well-being.
Mr Marc Lowery
Head of School