In the current climate, funding for schools is increasingly limited. We are all focused on making sure our learning environment and experience for our children is the best it can be for this year and beyond – stocked with all core learning resources, and enriched with inspiring spaces, relevant technology, theme weeks etc. As state schools, with standard government funding, the generosity of our parents and carers has always been vital to support our schools. You have baked cakes for class sales, helped with school trips, volunteered in school, supported our regular CSA & HHJSA events, bought items from our Amazon wish lists, used online fundraising sites and much more.
Everything you do and contribute is very much appreciated and has made our schools a happier place to be for our children.
Please use the links below to explore the ways you can support us:
Federation School Donations
Federation School Donations Letter
*NEW* School Donations
If you wish to, you can now make a one-off donation, or a regular standing order paid directly to each school. This is a new option following a positive response to a survey last year. Many local schools have a similar scheme and we felt it would be a good addition. It’s completely voluntary and flexible (you donate as little or as much as you wish, whenever works for you).
For a one-off donation: You can do this through Arbor under 'activities' / 'trips' / ' termly school donation'. Your donations amounted to just over £1300 in the Autumn Term 2022 which we spent on a variety of resources which included dataloggers, world maps /globes and rechargeable DT torches.
School Wish lists on Amazon
If you would rather purchase specific items, each school has created a list of books / learning resources to support and enrich the curriculum for the children. Simply log into your Amazon account and search for the relevant wish list, then pick the items you would like to give to the school. Alternatively, you can follow these links. Your purchase can be delivered directly to the school, or to you if you wish to bring it in.
CIS Wish list
HHJS Wish list
Wish List for Y3
Wish List for Y4
Wish List for Y5
Wish List for Y6
Volunteering of time, skills, experience
Volunteering your time to help with school activities on a regular or one-off basis has a huge impact on the success and happiness of our schools. This could include helping with Good gym Days, Dig Days, helping in school as reading help or helping out on trips. If you would like to volunteer in school please contact the school office and they will talk you through the options and sign you up!
We have also set up a ‘Skills Database’ where you can register your profession/knack/knowledge area. It really helps us to know who we have in our school community so we can ask for help and/or advice with specific tasks if needed. Your participation would be completely voluntary and signing up doesn’t place you under any obligation – please contact the School Office if you can contribute.

Parent Association - Hampton Hill Junior School Association (HHJSA) are a group of parent/carer volunteers who donate time, energy and enthusiasm to help organise events and activities that bring our communities together and raise money. The funds raised can be used to support ‘fun’ events for our children (e.g. the Christmas pantomime and lunch, gardening clubs, library furniture etc.) and also provide learning resources for the classroom – agreed in collaboration with each school. If you would like to be a part of either group please get in touch (
Online charity shopping fundraising site – Easyfundraising
Easyfundraising partners with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won't cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand. We receive a percentage of the total each time you shop as a thank you from the retailers at no extra cost to you. To get started, please visit the Easyfundraising website, choose HHJS as your chosen charity , then shop as normal – every little helps!
School Lottery
Unlike most other lotteries, Your School Lottery lets you support Hampton Hill Junior School directly. As a supporter, you can join for as little as £1 per week and for this you will have the chance of winning a guaranteed weekly prize for someone within your school community. The more people that participate , the bigger this guaranteed prize becomes and the more money raised for your school. On top of this you will also be entered into a separate draw with a chance to win an amazing £25,000 every week! Joining the school's lottery is easy - just click on the link below and search for Hampton Hill.
Matched Funding
Did you know that if you work for a large organisation (particularly banks, legal and accountancy firms but also corporates such as Tesco, O2, Unilever etc) chances are you can help Hampton Hill Junior School Association (HHJSA) raise a lot of money for very little effort!
All of these companies offer something called Matched Funding (or Matched Giving) as part of their corporate social responsibility programmes, where they will offer to 'match' funds raised by a charitable organisation such as HHJSA. For example, just by helping out for 1/2 an hour on a stall at the Christmas or Summer Fair that raises £200, you could then ask your employer to 'match' this by contributing another £200 - thus increasing our fundraising significantly!
Ask your employer if they can help and let us know - see letter below for more details
Company Matched Giving - Funding Schemes
Fundraising presentation